Dubai is a city of culture and beauty. The architecture, the traditional dress, the food, all these aspects make up what it means to be Dubai. In this blog post, we will explore some of these features for you so that you can get to know this vibrant city even better!

Traditional Dress

The traditional dresses of Dubai are the dishdasha and abaya. Dishdashas, also known as thobe, are long, white garments that are worn by men in both social and business settings, while an abaya is a traditional robe worn by women that covers everything except the hands from the head to toe. In many cases, it will have slits in it so the women can see through them. The colors of these dresses come in all sorts of shades: black, blue, pink and more.

However, expatriates and tourists may wear Western clothing, as long as it is not provocative. The best approach for tourists and expatriates is to err on the more conservative side. In a business setting, women can wear dark-colored skirts or pants that come below the knee.

Arts and Culture

Dubai is also a city of culture, design, and art. There are many museums in the region to explore including Salsali Private Museum which houses an extensive collection from all over the world that date back to thousands of years, as well as modern-day pieces by many artists . The Mohammad Bin Rashid Library is another place to visit with its stunning architecture and well-stocked shelves that feature a rich history of cultures and civilizations.


Another aspect of this culture is their food. A popular meal in Dubai includes kabsa, which is the national dish of the Emirates, and consists mostly of rice topped with lamb or chicken. Another popular item on the menu is Shawarma – think chicken/lamb meat cooked over coals then served inside pita bread – and falafel. Al Harees is another traditional dish prepared using meat and grains with decadent spices. Other traditional dishes include Ghuzi and Matchbous.

A popular meal in Dubai


It is typical to greet someone with a “Salam Alaykum”. This translates into “Peace be upon you” and it’s most commonly used in the Middle East. Other common greetings include: Ahlan wa Sahlan (Hello), Sabah al-khayr (Good morning) and Masa al-khayr (Good night).

When it comes to Arab women, it is best to consider the behavior of those you are interacting with. It is normal for many Arab women to not  shake hands with men. This is normal even with close friends that they meet often. You should place your hand over your heart instead to greet them.


People in Arab countries value politeness. It is important for local people to be greeted correctly. Generally, the term “Sayyed” (Sir) is used for men and “Sayyeda” for women, followed by their full name. The rulers of the country are addressed as “Your Highness”, while senior members of the families are addressed as “Your Excellency” followed by ‘Sheikh’ and their full name.

A Bit More Information For Travelers

  • Do not offer an alcoholic drink to an Arab if you are not sure if he drinks alcohol.
  • Do not beckon people with your finger, it is impolite.
  • During Ramadan, you should not eat, drink or smoke in public. You should not be loud in public either.

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